This section provides a high-level summary of your business’s page ranking and keyword performance.
Metrics Available: #
- Average Google Position
- Displays the average position of your business in Google search results.
- Includes a graphical representation over time, broken down by:
- Organic Desktop
- Organic Mobile
- Local Finder
- The graph updates with dates to show historical trends and performance.
- Keyword and Positional Movement
- New Ranking Keywords: Shows the number of newly ranked keywords.
- No Change: Indicates the number of keywords whose positions remained unchanged.
- Total Report Keywords: Total number of keywords being tracked.
- Includes breakdowns for:
- Keyword Movement: Displays keywords that moved up, down, or remained unchanged, with color-coded details.
- Positional Movement: Shows keywords gained, lost, or unchanged with detailed breakdowns.
- Google Local Pack Coverage
- Tracks the percentage of keywords displaying Local Packs in Google search results.
- Highlights the number of Local Packs your business is ranked in compared to opportunities available.
- A bar graph displays the claimed Local Packs versus opportunities over time.